1GSa/sec on all channels provides full 5X oversampling all the time
• Free Serial Decode/Trigger supports most of today’s common standards
• 28M Record Length on all channels enables long captures to find elusive problems
• Vibrant 8 Inch Intensity Graded Display provides easy observation and analysis
• Waveform Record/Capture, Advanced Math, and 17 trigger types
Free Advanced Analysis Options
For all DS2000E purchases before March 31, 2018 RIGOL will provide a free options package that includes:
• All Advanced Triggering Options (17 total trigger types)
• All Serial Triggering and Decode Options ◦I2C
◦ RS232/UART
• 28 MPts of memory per channel – most in its class
Introduction Video
This video lets you take a walk around the new unit and explore all its key features, user interface, package dimensions, and demonstrates the 5X oversampling on a 200 MHz signal
Remote Instrument Display and Control
The DS2000E come with free access to RIGOL’s UltraSigma communication tools and the UltraScope software utility.
This video shows how to use the UltraScope software for remote control of your instrument.
Sample Rate vs Record Length
This video explains the relationship between Sample Rate and Memory Depth.
The DS2000E provides 5 X oversampling at 200 MHz with both channels active to support a wide array of embedded debugging applications.
The DS2000E Series sets a new price point for these important capabilities with full time sampling at 1 GSa/sec and 28 Mpts of memory standard.
How much Bandwidth do I need?
Capturing and Analyzing high speed signals has unique challenges. Understanding the impact of the measurement bandwidth of your scope on your results is one of them. This video explains the phenomenon.
With the DS2022E 200 MHz Oscilloscope engineers can more accurately measure the risetime of signals above 20 MHz than lower speed scopes.
RIGOL recommends having 5 X bandwidth overhead to limit risetime errors to about 2%.
Great accuracy, low noise input
The DS2000A is able to measure very small signals, thanks to the measurement input stage which was newly developed by Rigol. The vertical resolution starts at 500uV (0.5 mV) per division.
The screenshot shows the measurement of a scant 1 millivolt a squarewave signal (yellow).
Perfect frequency response design
The new measuring input stages behave almost perfectly even at the frequency response.
On the screenshot you see a signal with a rise time of just 1.4 nanoseconds, with an amplitude of about 5 millivolts. The overshoot is below 5%
Deeper Memory (14 Mpts / 56 Mpts)
The Rigol DS2000A oscilloscopes can store up to 14 million measurement points. You can zoom into a selected part of the captured waveforms to get more details and scroll within the measurement points.
With the optional memory module MEM-DS2 even 56 million data points are available. The memory expansion module “MEM-DS2” is available on this page under the “accessories” tab.
Realtime waveform record, replay, analysis
The very high sampling rate of the Rigol DS2000A Oscilloscope and the large memory makes it possible to record up to 50,000 waveforms per second.
The recorded waveforms can be conveniently displayed and analyzed.
Multi-Level Intensity Grading Display
With the “Multi-Level Grading Intensity” display, extensive signal characteristics with a very large number of measurement values can also be displayed completely.
Serial bus trigger functions (RS232, I²C, SPI)
Triggering on serial bus systems (RS232/UART, I ² C and SPI) is already included.
Serial bus decoding function
With the optional “SD-DS2 Decoding Kit” serial data packages of different serial bus systems can be analyzed, decoded, and displayed directly as byte values. Supported protocols are: RS232/UART, I²C, and SPI.
The serial decoding module “SD-DS2” is available on this page under the “accessories” tab.
Comprehensive trigger functions
The Rigol DS2000A oscilloscopes offer comprehensive trigger options, allowing a professional use.
The special trigger “Windows”, “Nth Edge”, HDTV, delay, time out, duration and USB are available with the optional “AT-DS2 Advanced Trigger” module, available on this page under the “Accessories” tab.
Runt Trigger
In the “runt trigger” mode, the scope can trigger on dwarf pulses. Dwarf pulses are short pulses that do not reach the full amplitude. For this trigger mode three voltage thresholds can be defined (eg, 10%, 50% and 90%). If the signal passes the first two thresholds in one direction, but doesn?t reach the third, the trigger fires.
Advanced Math
The DS2000A series oscilloscopes comes with a modern and advanced math system which lets it solve complicated signal calculations quite simply with user defined formulas.
Masked Pass/Fail-Tests
Pass/fail testing can be used for troubleshooting in various environments like communication networks.
Features: User defined masks, Pass/Fail counts, Stop on Fail, Fail Alarm
Auto measurements with statistics
The oscilloscope measures up to five parameters like rise- and fall-time, amplitude, pulse width, duty cycle and many more simultaneously and shows statistics for every parameter (max- , min- and average values).