• 2 Analog channels plus external trigger
• 1 Million point deep memory
• 1 GSa/sec max sample rate
• 5.7” TFT QVGA (320X240) with 64K color LCD backlit display
• Trigger modes: edge, pulse width, slope, video, pattern, continuous time, and alternate
General Data | DSO Rigol DS1102E |
Display | 5.7″ TFT LCD with 65536 colors |
Resolution | 320 × 234 Pixel |
Size | 303 mm × 154 mm × 133 mm |
Weight | 2.5 kg |
Oscilloscope Details | DSO Rigol DS1102E |
Channels | 2 |
Real-time sample rate | 1 GSa/s real time |
Bandwidth | 100 MHz |
Sampling mode | Normal, average (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256), peak detect |
Mathematics | A+B, A-B, A×B, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) |
FFT windows | Rectangle, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman |
Signal | DSO Rigol DS1102E |
Max. Input voltage | 300 Vrms CAT I |
Real-time sample rate | 13 Sa/s to 1 GSa/s real time |
Time base | 5 ns/Div. to 50 s/Div. (Steps 1 – 2 – 5) |
Memory | 1M Messpunkte (1 channel) 512K Messpunkte (2 channels) |
Vertical | DSO Rigol DS1102E |
Analog digital converter (A/D) | With the resolution of 8 bits, make sampling on both channels synchronously. |
Sensitivity range (V/div) | 2 mV/Div to 10 V/Div. |
Displacement range | ±10 Div. (2 mV – 10 V) |
Trigger | DSO Rigol DS1102E |
Trigger | Channel 1, Channel 2, Ext, Ext / 5, AC Line |
Signal system and line/field frequency (Video triggering mode) | Support the NTSC, PAL and SECAM broadcasting systems of any field or line frequency. |
Measurement | DSO Rigol DS1102E |
Cursor measurement | Manual, Track and Auto Measure modes |
Auto measurement | Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Overshoot, Preshoot, Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty, Delay1-2 (rise), Delay1-2(fall) |