- Two digital synchronization size 96×96 is provided.
- 3 Nos multifunction digital meter (VIF) size 96x96mm to display current voltage frequency.
- Two synchronization switch MCB 3 pole 16Amp. Is provided.
- Two set of 3 phase synchronization lamp is provided.
- Auxiliary switch is provided.
- Synchronization output with Indicator is provided.
- 4 pole 10Amp. MCB is provided for 3 sources with terminal.
- For phase sequence test 1 phase sequence meter with source selector switch and phase sequence switch is provided.
- Input capacity 3KVA Maximum for each sources.
- Enclosure made of CR sheet powder coated and screen printed.
- Necessary BTI connectors for external connection.
- Designed considering all the safety standards.
- Dimensions: 650(W) x 450(H) x 350(L).
- Weight: 18Kg (approximate).
TESCA Synchronization Panel Trainer
46622 in industry loads are directly connected to the source through an isolation switch. But when the load demand is increased and the source capacity is less, another source is connected in parallel so that both the source divides the load current among them. For parallel operation of the sources it is very much essential to have both sources of same voltages, frequency and same phase sequence. This is called the synchronization of the two sources.